Baby boomers across the country are facing the dilemma of how best to care for elderly relatives in their final years. For many the decision to explore Aged Care Nursing Homes is triggered by necessity after a fall or illness. When round the clock care and medical assistance is required, the decision to move to an Aged Care Nursing Home is in most cases a huge relief for family and a life enhancing change for residents.
There is peace of mind knowing that the elder is secure, their whereabouts known at all times and their physical and mental health observed each day. How often do we hear of an elder person who has fallen at home, their predicament undiscovered until a loved one visits? Aged Care Nursing Homes provide trained staff 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and if there is an emergency they are on hand to take swift action. These trained professionals provide assistance with daily chores such as bathing, dressing, feeding, exercising and taking medication.
The isolation experienced by an elder living at home is replaced by the constancy of companionship of staff and other residents. Even those with mobility issues or challenged communication skills can enjoy the same interaction as their more able bodied peers. A social environment helps in reducing potential problems with psychological disorders such as depression.
For many elders the demands of shopping and cooking are well beyond them. An Aged Care Nursing Home guarantees the consumption of regular meals where good nutrition is paramount.
And let’s not underestimate the importance of socialisation as part of a healthy life. There is such pleasure in the sharing of music, entertainment, stimulating activities and outings. All of this and more are on offer at facilities such as Holmwood Aged Care.
Holmwood Aged Care is located in picturesque Healesville, where residents enjoy semi-rural surroundings. Providing government funded aged care services that include permanent residential accommodation, concessional places, palliative care and respite, the home is ideal for those needing ‘higher’ aged care services. For more information call 5962 4321