Free Seminar on Finances and Future Choices for Seniors

A free seminar to help seniors and their families understand their finances and future choices is being held in Healesville.

The seminar will cover a variety of topics to assist them to make informed decisions. Speakers will present on topics including: Understanding your pension; Improving your financial position; Aged care costs; Wills and Powers of Attorney; Home Care Packages; Funeral service options; and Aged Care services and accommodation.

The aim of the seminar is to help seniors and their families understand their options so they can make better decisions about their future. It’s an opportunity for them to easily obtain information and have their questions answered by a variety of industry speakers coming together under the one roof. The guest speakers include representatives from Centrelink, Cumberland View Home Care, Le Pine Funerals, Hayes Girling Financial, De Graaf Legal and Holmwood Aged Care.

The Finances and Future Choices for Seniors seminar is hosted by Holmwood Aged Care. Facility Manager Julia Boyd said “We are excited to be able to share valuable tips and information on senior living, as well as helping educate our local seniors and their families on ways to make easy changes today to better position themselves for the future”.

The Finances and Future Choices Seminar will be held at the Healesville Senior Citizens’ Club, at the corner of Green and River Streets, Healesville on Thursday, 1st March from 4pm until 6pm.

To register, contact Julia Boyd at Holmwood Aged Care by emailing or phone 5962 4321.

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