Beautiful quilts donated and residents learn the intriguing quilting process.

One of our visitors had no idea what they were in for when they were discussing they were a part of the North of the Yarra Quilters Guild. And of course, we had no idea what would be in store for us either…

Patchwork and quilting have been practised as both practical and decorative crafts for centuries. There is evidence to suggest it may date back as far as ancient Egypt. Many of Holmwood Aged Care’s residents have quilts or patchwork blankets adorning their beds that they made when they were younger or were passed down to them. When Christine mentioned she was a member of the North of the Yarra Quilters Guild we were quick to ask if she would do a talk for our residents about the organisation and in the process, on what it takes to make a quilt, which is apparently a lot!

Christine spent time presenting some completed quilts and some she was in the process of making. She also talked about materials and lining, explained the stitching, the quilt top, the middle layer or the filler, the backing, and how it is pieced together. Residents learnt about the North of the Yarra Quilters Guild (NOTYQ), how they have communal quilts that are worked on as a group, how some people sew the backing, some people prep the top quilt layer and others cut the shapes and templates. It was fascinating and very involved.

Of course, we just wanted a demonstration and presentation on how quilting works, so we were absolutely stunned when Christine presented us on behalf of the NOTYQ with 40 beautiful, handmade quilts. One for each of our resident’s beds. Each piece is an absolutely beautiful work of art. They are painstakingly created. Our residents have been going through and choosing the pattern they like best to adorn their bed.

Although quilting is a bit beyond us here at the moment, we were all a bit surprised at just how involved a quilt is. We would be keen to learn in the future so if there are any members of the community who would like to be part of a future program please contact us, but for now, we’ll start with something simpler.

We are very grateful to the North of the Yarra Quilters Guild and if you are interested in quilting or in the organisation please check out their Facebook page and blog

Happy Stitching.

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